All over the years something has struck me, agencies that say that they are really good at online marketing usually have a very poor performance when it comes to their own social.
For example: A company that says that they are good at SEO should probably rank well for keywords related to their business?
Or another example: A company that says that they are good at social media should probably have good engagement with their community?
In this benchmark we have taken the main digital marketing agencies in Italy when it comes to online marketing, some of them turning over million of euros and we have pulled their Facebook and Linkedin data.
There results are scary and it is almost like they send out 2 different signals… To their clients they say that Social Media is important but when it comes to their own social they just do not seem to care. It is not a coincidence that the one that sticks out in this benchmark is Optimized Group where we peek and smash all competition both when it comes to Facebook Likes and Followers on Linkedin. We live by the simple code: Live as you preach and only sell services and consultancy in fields your are extremely competent!
In order to protect the poor performers we have camouflaged their Brand names and replaced it with a number.
There is one clear leader both when it comes to Facebook and Linkedin and we are proud to take that place and to our competitors we can only say… If you want to be taken serious when you say to your clients that you are good on Social well then maybe you should push your KPI in the right direction 🙂